Team Senckenberg

Prof. Dr. Miklós Bálint Juliane Romahn Prof. Dr. Markus Pfenninger

Functional Environmental Genomics

As part of the PhytoArk project, we are analyzing the Phytoplankton community dynamics of the Baltics Sea Since the beginning of the Holocene. Our expertise is reconstructing ecological community composition from ancient sedimentary DNA. In the newly equipped aDNA clean room, the DNA of the Sediment core were extracted.

Ancient DNA Laboratory Roboter

Prof. Dr. Miklós Bálint

Miki Balint

I am the of the SBiK-F Research Group 'Functional environmental genomics' and Professor for Functional Environmental Genomics at Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. At LOEWE Centre for translational biodiversity genomics (LOEWE TBG) I am the speaker of project area 'Functional environment genomics'. I am interested into metabarcoding complex communities, lake sediment-preserved DNA in paleoecology, impact of climate change on biodiversity, and distribution and differentiation of organisms

Professor | Justus-Liebig-University Gießen

Background: Functional environmental genomics | Biodiversity | Community ecology | Molecular ecology

Twitter: @MikiBalint
ResearchGate: Miki Bálint Google Scholar: Miki Bálint

Juliane Romahn

Juliane Romahn

Evolutionary biology, biodiversity research and bioinformatics are three overlapping topics, I am interested in. The possibility to study the ancient dynamics of Phytoplankton of the Baltic Sea is a great opportunity to me, to extend my knowlegde and to take a look at the world of times long past.
During my Ph.D., I study the environmental impact on phytoplankton communities and their function to the ecosystem.

PhD candiate | Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Background: Bioinformatics | Evolutionary Biology | Biodiversity | Phylogenetics | Organismic Biology

Twitter: @JulianeRomahn
ResearchGate: Juliane Romahn

Molecular Ecology

Whether a population is able to adapt to changing climates and establish at new sites, strongly depends on the amount of genetic variation in climate-relevant fitness traits.
An understanding of the extent of this variation is therefore essential if we are to accurately predict species response to current global climate changes.
We investigate phenotypic and genomic variation in and between ecological key species in order to reveal functional similarities and differences of climate tolerance across taxa and ecosystems.

Prof. Dr. Markus Pfenninger

Markus Pfenninger

I will collaborate on analysis tools for population genomic time series in WP2. I study genomic basis of evolution through adaptation.

Professor | Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | Institute page

Background: Evolutionary Biology | Genetic Diversity | Speciation | Molecular Ecology & Evolution

ResearchGate: Markus Pfenninger Google Scholar: Markus Pfenninger