I am the of the SBiK-F Research Group 'Functional environmental genomics' and Professor for Functional Environmental Genomics at Justus-Liebig-University Gießen. At LOEWE Centre for translational biodiversity
genomics (LOEWE TBG) I am the speaker of project area 'Functional environment genomics'. I am interested into metabarcoding complex communities,
lake sediment-preserved DNA in paleoecology,
impact of climate change on biodiversity, and
distribution and differentiation of organisms
Professor | Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Background: Functional environmental genomics | Biodiversity | Community ecology | Molecular ecology
Email: Miklos.balint@senckenberg.de
Twitter: @MikiBalint
ResearchGate: Miki Bálint
Google Scholar: Miki Bálint
Evolutionary biology, biodiversity research and bioinformatics are three overlapping topics, I am interested in. The possibility to study
the ancient dynamics of Phytoplankton of the Baltic Sea is a great opportunity to me, to extend my knowlegde and to take a look at the world of times long past.
During my Ph.D., I study the environmental impact on phytoplankton communities and their function to the ecosystem.
PhD candiate | Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Background: Bioinformatics | Evolutionary Biology | Biodiversity | Phylogenetics | Organismic Biology
Email: Juliane.romahn@senckenberg.de
Twitter: @JulianeRomahn
ResearchGate: Juliane Romahn
I will collaborate on analysis tools for population genomic time series in WP2. I study genomic basis of evolution through adaptation.
Professor | Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | Institute page
Background: Evolutionary Biology | Genetic Diversity | Speciation | Molecular Ecology & Evolution
Email: markus.pfenninger@senckenberg.de
ResearchGate: Markus Pfenninger
Google Scholar: Markus Pfenninger