Team Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

Dr. Anke Kremp Dr. Sarah Bollius Prof. Dr. Helge Arz Dr. Jérôme Kaiser Dr. Olaf Dellwig

Phytoplankton ecology

HELCOM management activities for the protection of the Baltic Sea include a phytoplankton monitoring program. This program supplies a decadal time series of phytoplankton community biomass and composition. These data are used for pelagic assessment and evaluation of management efficacy towards a management target, Good Environmental Status, GES. Phytoplankton derived biodiversity indicators, such as the Dia/Dino index and cyanobacterial bloom index are components of regular periodic assessments of the Baltic Sea environment. Nevertheless, lack of a reference status for GES, and information on baseline biodiversity variation hinders their interpretation and use in assessment respectively. The aims of WP4, which will be carried out in close collaboration with HELCOM, is to 1) evaluate the use of eDNA derived biodiversity data for the Baltic Sea phytoplankton, 2) describe a pre-Anthropocene reference status for phytoplankton based on sediment core eDNA, 3) develop assessment strategies for phytoplankton based on past environmental and diversity dynamics, and 4) develop a framework to assess the climate-induced impact on phytoplankton diversity and function with HELCOM.

Apocalathium cultured Culture
Research ship Research ship

Dr. Anke Kremp

Anke Kremp

My researchaddresses mechanisms and consequences of phytoplankton biodiversity changes in coastal and open seas. Using a variety of approaches including time series analyses of monitoring data, physiological experiments with cultured phytoplankton isolates, analyses of intraspecific genetic and phenotypic diversity and resurrection of past populations from resting stages in “sediment archives”, I investigate the response of phytoplankton communities and populations to environmental change.

Project Leader | Senior Scientist | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

Background: Phytoplankton | Biodiversity | Dormancy | Harmful Algal Blooms | Experimental Ecology | Baltic Sea

ResearchGate: Anke Kremp

Dr. Sarah Bolius

Sarah Bolius

I find differences within species super exciting, especially how differently functional properties, traits, can be expressed. In the PhytoArk project I am investigating this in two phytoplankton species of the Baltic Sea focussing on climate change relevant properties. In order to describe adaptation of different traits, not only recent strains are examined, but also 'old' strains of the respective species. These strains are grown from dormant resting stages that have accumulated in Baltic Sea sediments. Such revived organisms can be compared with recent ones, making it possible to investigate how species respond to changing environmental conditions. Such information can be used to predict how recent phytoplankton will adapt to current and future changes.

PostDoc | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

Background: Ecology | Traits | Phytoplankton resurrection and cultivation

ResearchGate: Sarah Bolius

Marine geology

The research of the department is focused on the geological and biogeochemical components of the ecosystem Baltic Sea,
i.e. on the investigation of postglacial formation and biogeochemical transformation processes of and within the Baltic Sea basin and its sediments.
Here, the interaction of vertical and horizontal matter fluxes,
oceanographic conditions and sediment formation, and early diagenesis play a key role.

Prof. Dr. Helge Wolfgang Arz

Helge Arz

My researchaddresses sedimentation processes in lacustrine and shallow marine environments. I am focusing on "Multi-proxy" paleoenvrionmental reconstructions and stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in calcerous microfossils. I also research late quaternary climate variability and mechanisms of millennial scale climate variability and ocean dynamics.

Professor | Leibniz Institut for Baltic Sea Research

Background: Marine Geology | Paleoceanography | Sedimentology | Paleoclimatology

ResearchGate: Helge Wolfgang Arz

Dr. Jérôme Kaiser

Jérôme Kaiser

I am in charge of the laboratory for biomarker analysis (ASE; GC; GC-MS; HPLC-APCI-MS) at the IOW and interested in the development of molecular organic proxies and their application in sediment cores for paleoenvironmental reconstructions (e.g. sea/air surface temperature, sea surface salinity, primary production, redox, sea ice, humidity, rainfall, vegetation, etc.) at glacial/interglacial timescales. I am working in different areas including the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Equatorial Atlantic and the South Pacific.

Scientist | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

Background: Biomarkers | Organic Proxis | Sediment Cores | Paleoclimate | Paleoenvironment

ResearchGate: Jerome Kaiser

Dr. Olaf Dellwig

Olaf Dellwig

My work concentrates on the behavior of redox-sensitive trace metals in various environments since many years benefitting from sound analytical hand-on experience. Besides earlier studies in the North Sea, I currently focus on the Baltic and Black Seas dealing with both water column and sediment records. Besides metal isotope and radionuclide systematics, I am also interested in the microbial impact on metal cycles

Scientist | Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

Background: Inorganic Geochemistry | Sediments | Biogeochemistry | ICP Analytics | Trace Metals

ResearchGate: Olaf Dellwig